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24 May 2012

Access to administrative justice in order to seek for fundamental rights

Access to administrative justice in order to seek for fundamental rights


Trainers : Edith Zeller, member of the independent administrative tribunal of Vienna 

Heinrich Zens, member of the Austrian Administrative Court 

24th of May 2012


A./ MORNING SESSION (9:00 – 12:30)


I./ Welcome Address and Introduction




II./ Sources of fundamental rights


1./ national constitutions


2./ EU law


  • Fundamental freedoms
  • Basic principles
  • Fundamental rights’ Charta
  • TEU Article 6, 19


3./ ECHR


4./ (Other) international law




Working on the case, discussing solutions



III./ Possible violations of fundamental rights and conflicts between different levels of (individual or general) provisions

1./ Individual (administrative or judicial) decision (final or appealable) in administrative cases violates fundamental rights deriving from

a./ national constitution (Discussion, complaints against such decisions before the Constitutional court, reopening of cases if the constitution is violated)


b./ EU-law (legal validity)


Ciola, Kühne, i-21, Kapferer


c./ ECHR (legal validity, reopening, execution….)



1./ how to challenge decisions if they are incompatible with the Convention

2./ concerning possibilities for reopening of procedure ;, story of Art. 46 ECHR ; case Schelling)

d./ international law



2./ Administrative act of general nature violates rights deriving from

a./ national constitution, laws (discussion competence of administrative courts ? Annulment or leaving the act of general nature unapplied)


b./ EU-law (precedence of application)


c./ ECHR (precedence of application ?)


d./ international law




EDITH Case 2

3./ National laws violate fundamental rights deriving from

a./ national constitution (Discussion, France, Sweden, Finland, Greece, UK)




b./ EU-law


Austrian Constitutional court, Melki, advantages and disadvantages of centralized or decentralized control



AFTERNOON SESSION (continuing topic III./3.) 14:00 – 16:30

Two more case studies :


Case 3


Speech Adria Wien case….


c./ ECHR (Discussion, Human Rights’ act)
Case 4

d./ international law (Discussion)

4./ Conflicts between EU-law and fundamental rights granted by national constitutions

Judgements of the German Bundesverfassungsgericht 
Solange I and II (Discussion)


25th of May 2012
MORNING SESSION (9:00 – 12:00)


5./ Conflicts between provisions of national constitutions and fundamental rights granted by EU-law sidestep Lenkerauskunft

6./ Tensions between different fundamental rights and freedoms granted by EU-law

ECJ-case Schmidberger


7./ Conflicts between primary and secondary EU-law 
ECJ-cases Jego-Queré and Union de Pequenos Agricultores
German case


8./ Conflicts between EU-law and ECHR
The Bosphorus Case of ECHR


End of the Workshop

The cases from Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Romania will be discussed within this 
agenda depending on the respective topic raised.